reserva confirmada
Puedes cancelar o modificar tu reserva a través del correo que vas a recibir.
Para asegurar el mejor funcionamiento del restaurante y cumplir con la demanda del brunch contamos con la siguiente política de reserva durante el horario del brunch:
- Las mesas se asignan por el sistema automáticamente en función de la disponibilidad.
- Para grupos grandes, la confirmación no es automática y necesitamos al menos 24 horas para confirmar. Para grupos de 6 o menos, la reserva es instantánea.
- The time to be spent at the table is between 1h and 2h depending on the number of guests of the reservation. We will keep your table during the first 15 minutes of the reservation time, and if no one shows up within this 15 minutes period, the reservation can be lost and the table will be given to other customers. Please be on time.
your booking is confirmed
You can cancel or modify your reservation through the email you’ll receive. To ensure the best operation of the restaurant and fulfill the brunch demand we have the following reservation policy during brunch hours:
- The tables are allocated automatically by the system depending on the availability.
- For large groups the confirmation is not automatical and we need at least 24 hours to confirm. For groups of 6 and less the reservation is instant.
- The time to be spent at the table is between 1h 30min and 2 hrs depending on the number of guests of the reservation. We will keep your table during the first 15 minutes of the reservation time, and if no one shows up within this 15 minutes period, the reservation can be lost and the table will be given to other customers. Please be on time.